"5-day fast" to lose weight super fast but at the cost of "gallstones" in the body? Doctors call out high-risk groups not to try indiscriminately

"5-day fast" to lose weight super fast but at the cost of "gallstones" in the body? Doctors call out high-risk groups not to try indiscriminately

Who is prone to gallstones? Overeating and skipping food are high-risk groups

Do you have poor eating habits? Are you at risk of developing gallstones? Dr. Zhang Xuehao, the attending physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, pointed out in an exclusive interview that the most common gallstones are “cholesterol gallstones”, which are mostly white or yellow-white in color. Cholesterol is metabolized and excreted through the liver. When the concentration of cholesterol in bile increases, it may cause gallstones. Another common cause of gallstones is that infectious diseases or blood diseases produce too much bilirubin, resulting in the formation of “pigmented gallstones” in the gallbladder, which often appear black or brown.

Dr. Zhang Xuehao explained that bile is secreted by liver cells and is usually stored in the gallbladder, just like a reservoir. If bile is not flowing for a long time, gallstones will easily form. Doctors warn that habits such as eating for too short a time and fasting for long periods of time will increase the risk of gallstones. Overeating will cause the rapid secretion and contraction of bile, leading to an imbalance in gallbladder function and easily causing gallstones. People who have irregular meals and irregular meals must pay special attention.

Excessive intake of unhealthy and improper dietary content is also one of the reasons for the formation of gallstones. Dr. Zhang Xuehao said that eating high-fat, high-sugar or high-cholesterol foods will increase the risk of cholesterol stones. If you belong to a group with a high risk of gallstones, such as middle-aged and elderly people, obese patients, those who like to eat fried food, have three abnormal meals, drink too little water or lack exercise, and women, you should pay more attention to maintaining a good daily routine and diet. , to reduce the occurrence of gallstones.

Will gallstones occur if the gallbladder is removed? If your living habits do not improve, there is still a chance of recurrence

Dr. Zhang Xuehao reminds that common gallstone symptoms include upper abdominal pain and right upper quadrant pain. Patients tend to think it is gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux or indigestion, thus ignoring the symptoms or even missing the golden time for treatment. Doctors say that when gallstones cause symptoms, cause cholecystitis, or even bile duct obstruction leading to cholangitis, the gallbladder may need to be removed through minimally invasive surgery. However, before surgery, the patient’s age and physical condition must be weighed before deciding on the treatment method.

Dr. Zhang Xuehao reminds that after gallbladder surgery, the liver will continue to secrete bile. If lifestyle habits are not improved, not only may gallstones recur, but extrahepatic bile ducts and bile ducts may also be at risk of stones. About 5% of gallstone patients develop symptoms every year. Those who have experienced gallstone symptoms have a higher chance of recurrence, and symptoms often occur again within a year.

Dr. Zhang Xuehao said that there were patients with gallstones who did not change their past habits of eating, drinking, and socializing after work. As a result, they suffered unbearable abdominal pain. After seeking emergency treatment, they discovered that not only were gallstones complicated by gallbladder inflammation, but they were also complicated by pancreatitis and even kidney disease. Due to exhaustion and difficulty breathing, he was eventually sent to the intensive care unit and was hospitalized for nearly a month before being discharged.

Dr. Zhang Xuehao believes that the best way to prevent the occurrence of gallstones is to develop good eating habits, avoid high-cholesterol and greasy foods, exercise more, drink more water, and more importantly, undergo regular ultrasound examinations. Once there are abnormalities, The situation is treated early. Doctors remind people who have a family history of gallstones and have symptoms such as obesity, blood diseases, blood sugar problems, alcoholic liver disease, etc., that they should undergo regular liver and gallbladder examinations.

Is there a price for losing weight super fast with “5-day fast”? Beware of Gallstones and Esophageal Cancer Risks

Recently, the “5-day fasting challenge” has become popular on the Internet. Many Internet celebrities have personally tested it and it is said that it can help lose weight and even reduce body fat. However, will not eating normally for a long time affect the normal function of the liver in secreting bile? Dr. Zhang Xuehao said that excessive dieting will indeed increase the risk of gallstones. Severe weight loss will cause fat cells to be rapidly consumed and metabolized, and the blood cholesterol concentration will easily fluctuate, leading to an increased chance of cholesterol gallstones.

Dr. Zhang Xuehao reminds that patients with gallstones, chronic gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, and peptic ulcer are less suitable for the so-called “5-day fasting method” because when the human body is fasting, gastric acid is still functioning and may secrete too much. For patients with existing gastric diseases and acid reflux, it is easy to cause discomfort or even gastric inflammation and gastric mucosal lesions. Doctors remind that long-term gastroesophageal reflux will increase the risk of mucosal lesions and esophageal cancer, so special attention is required.

Dr. Zhang Xuehao believes that although the 5-day fasting method can reduce body weight, most of the loss is water and muscle. It is not the healthiest way to lose weight, and it is not suitable for everyone. Although fasting alone will not hinder the normal functioning of the liver, it will affect the health of the stomach and gallbladder. A physician or nutritionist should be consulted before any fasting method is recommended. In addition, when using the fasting method, you still need to take in appropriate vitamins and protein during eating to maintain the functions of the liver, gallbladder, and various organs in the body. Not taking in any nutrients at all may cause unknown harm to the body.

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