400,000 people have "unexploded heart bombs". Doctors reveal 5 major symptoms of arrhythmia: sudden death rate surges 2.6 times

400,000 people have "unexploded heart bombs". Doctors reveal 5 major symptoms of arrhythmia: sudden death rate surges 2.6 times

400,000 people have unexploded bombs in their hearts? Abnormal heartbeat, beware of “atrial fibrillation”

Irregular heartbeats are not only a sign of atrial fibrillation, but they may also be unexploded bombs from stroke, myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death? Dr. Wen Mingxian, chairman of the Taiwan Heart Rhythm Society, pointed out that most patients with cardiovascular problems report symptoms such as palpitations, chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms. If you suffer from chronic diseases such as arrhythmia and do not receive regular treatment and the condition is not well controlled, the risk of severe illness after infection with COVID-19 may increase, and the risk of sudden onset of the original disease may also increase.

Dr. Wen Mingxian pointed out that atrial fibrillation is one of the most common causes of sudden cardiovascular disease, with a prevalence rate of about 2%-4%. It is estimated that there are about 300,000-400,000 patients in Taiwan, but most symptomatic patients are Episodes of atrial fibrillation are not detected on the electrocardiogram, and the older you are, the higher the incidence. Without early treatment, it may lead to stroke, heart failure and other diseases. Severe patients may be unable to move half of their limbs. We call on the public to get screened as soon as possible. Or use smart devices to understand your heart rhythm health.

The sudden death rate of atrial fibrillation is 2.6 times higher! Research reveals 4 major risk factors

Dr. Zhang Kunzheng, deputy dean of the Department of Internal Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, said that “sudden cardiac death” has attracted attention in recent years due to celebrity incidents. The five major medical centers in Taiwan conducted statistical research based on first-hand out-of-hospital cardiac death data. The results “SACAF” is shown to be the four major risk factors for sudden death.

S stands for sex, especially men; A stands for age, younger than 65 years old; C stands for cardiovascular diseases (cardiovascular disease), with a history of cardiovascular disease; AF stands for atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation), and this study was published in International Journal.

Dr. Zhang Kunzheng reminds that if you have the above four risk factors, the chance of severe ventricular pulsation, ventricular fibrillation or even sudden death will be particularly high. Among them, people who have suffered from atrial fibrillation need to be the most careful. Compared with the general population, their chance of sudden death is as high as 2.6 times.

What are the symptoms of arrhythmia? Regular treatment to avoid sudden cardiac death

Dr. Zhang Bocheng from the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital explained that “sudden cardiac death” refers to a disease event in which a patient suddenly collapses and dies within an hour without a special medical history. One of the most common pathogenic mechanisms is arrhythmia. , including atrial fibrillation and ventricular pulsation, and those with prior coronary artery disease and heart failure are also high-risk groups

Dr. Zhang Bocheng pointed out that about 70% of patients with arrhythmia will have symptoms such as palpitations, difficulty breathing, easy panting, chest tightness, dizziness, etc. Patients may easily feel that their heartbeat is different from usual. At this time, as long as they seek medical diagnosis in time and the condition is well controlled, they can stay away from home. sudden death.

Arrhythmias are mainly detected using electrocardiography, although arrhythmias can be diagnosed through electrocardiography. However, 30% of patients with arrhythmia are asymptomatic and have no obvious discomfort, so it is easy to ignore their own condition. If timely examination, diagnosis and treatment are not carried out, the disease is likely to continue to worsen. Patients must follow the doctor’s instructions for regular treatment to prevent complications caused by arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation.

Dr. Zhao Zifan from the Department of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, pointed out that atrial fibrillation is an irregular heartbeat that occurs in the atrium, resulting in irregular heartbeat frequency. In severe cases, it may cause abnormal blood flow in the atrium and form a thrombus. Once a thrombus occurs, Blocking blood vessels in the heart may cause myocardial infarction, and blocking blood vessels in the brain may cause stroke.

Statistics show that 1 in 6 stroke patients is related to atrial fibrillation. The average risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation is 3-5 times higher, and the chance of sudden death is 2 times higher than that of ordinary people. About 1 in 10 people over the age of 80 have atrial fibrillation. If the patient has other chronic diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, the risk of atrial fibrillation is higher.

Dr. Zhao Zifan reminded that asymptomatic patients with atrial fibrillation have the same risk of stroke as symptomatic patients. Therefore, if you find that you have risk factors, you must go to the cardiology department of the hospital for examination. If you find that your heartbeat often is irregular, fast and slow, you should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible.

5 major risk groups are prone to arrhythmia! Pay attention to the 4 major abnormal signs

Arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation may pose a serious life threat, but Taiwanese people’s awareness of it needs to be strengthened. Starting from the end of August, 29 hospitals across Taiwan will successively promote arrhythmia lectures, calling on the public to “board the Heartbeat Train 543, It’s good to be safe from sudden death.”

The Heart Rhythm Medicine Society of the Taiwan calls on the five major risk groups, including the elderly, patients with cardiovascular disease, those with family history, people with bad living habits and patients with heart failure, to pay attention to the four major abnormal signs, respectively. For “difficulty breathing, frequent heart palpitations, unexplained chest tightness and chest pain, and easy fatigue”, seek medical examination and treatment as soon as possible, and remember the three tips of “moderate exercise, healthy diet, and stress management” to prevent sudden death.

Further reading:

Dessert “Calorie Mine” has 700 calories per serving? Nutritionist: Follow 4 tips to avoid gaining weight by eating sweets

He ate out three meals a day and lacked exercise and was diagnosed with “heart failure” after retiring? Doctor: You must learn the “7 key points” to protect your heart

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