The 3C generation is abusing the eyes, and the ophthalmologist reveals the 3 keys to choosing eye drops

The 3C generation is abusing the eyes, and the ophthalmologist reveals the 3 keys to choosing eye drops

There are many 3C products on hand, and in the post-epidemic era, online meetings can’t be completed. Before noon, my eyes are already a little dry and I can’t see clearly. Today we will talk about the differences of eye protection products.

Fire brigade, guardian, beautician, various types of products on the market complement each other

Common eye protection products on the market include eye health foods, steam eye masks, eye drops, etc. These are all helpful for maintaining and soothing the eyes. The biggest difference between the three is the timing of use:

Eye drops are like a fire brigade, which can quickly relax the eyes, improve eye fatigue, and even reduce blurriness. Eye health foods are like guardians. Through regular supplementation every day, we can have a better ride. To reduce resistance, the steam eye mask is like a beautician, using hot compress to give your eyes a SPA to soothe them.

“Health food” needs to be consumed for a long time, and “eye drops” can be prepared for high-speed life

The first thing I want to share is eye health food. When we eat it, it needs to be absorbed through the intestines. At the same time, the nutrients must be able to pass through the “blood-eye barrier”. It takes time for general nutritional products to penetrate the blood-eye barrier, and the amount of penetration cannot be achieved at the same time. It immediately supplies nutrients that the eyes lack, so it takes a long time to be helpful.

For modern people, life is busy and stressful. Putting a bottle of eye drops with high nutritional concentration in the bag can help us reduce eye fatigue at any time and have more energy to face the high-speed life. In addition to being more secure and efficient at work, it also makes us more comfortable in life. You can use your eyes more easily. As for the common selection points of eye drops, Dr. Shen will share with you below.

“No preservatives added” can be used as an important filter condition

Eye drops can provide relatively high-concentration units of nutrients, making it difficult to store many eye drops. At this time, most manufacturers will increase the shelf life of the product by “adding preservatives”. However, the eyes are very sensitive organs. In addition to common Allergy problems and long-term use may even lead to conjunctivitis, corneal damage and other problems. Therefore, when selecting products, you can use “no preservatives added” as an important filter.

Vitamin A has a positive effect on the cornea of ​​the eye

The human cornea may need vitamin A more than you think. A paper once conducted a culture test on the human cornea and found that the cornea lacking vitamin A is more likely to be damaged than the normal group. At the same time, vitamin A A-deficient cornea has been experimentally proven to increase the permeability of the cornea, making the cornea more susceptible to injury. For modern high-sighted people, timely supplementation of adequate amounts of vitamin A through eye drops will improve the health of the eyes. There will be many benefits.

The key is that nutrients can be stably absorbed by the eyes

In fact, it is not easy to design eye drops. Our tear film is divided into three layers: lipid layer, tear layer, and mucus layer. The main function of the tear film is to protect the cornea of ​​the eye from damage. Therefore, if eye drops can be effectively absorbed , it must be able to penetrate layers of tear film without damaging the tear film. This technology alone is not easy. If high-concentration nutrients are to be introduced into the eyes at the same time, special formula technology is required to stably absorb the high-concentration nutrient “vitamin A” to ensure that the nutrients can be truly absorbed by the eyes. This is the key to choosing effective eye drops. .

Use eye drops to make the world a better place

Choose the right product and have good habits when using it. Dr. Shen recommends that everyone wash their hands before using eye drops. When dispensing eye drops, avoid contacting eyelashes, eyeballs and fingers with the mouth of the bottle. If the bottle has been opened for more than a month, or the liquid is turbid, discolored or even foreign matter appears. , please do not continue to use it.

Of course, if you want to have good eyesight, it still comes from good maintenance. You should maintain correct eye protection habits on weekdays. You need to take a moderate rest when using 3C products to allow your eyes to restore their adjustment ability, so that you can maintain bright and healthy eyes.


  1. Hassell JR, Newsome DA, De Luca LM. Increased biosynthesis of specific glycoconjugates in rat corneal epithelium following treatment with vitamin A. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1980 Jun;19(6):642-7. PMID: 7380623.

  2. Huang AJ, Tseng SC, Kenyon KR. Change of paracellular permeability of ocular surface epithelium by vitamin A deficiency. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1991 Mar;32(3):633-9. PMID: 1900498.

  3. Anderson JA, Richard NR, Rock ME, Binder PS. Requirement for vitamin A in long-term culture of human cornea. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1993 Nov;34(12):3442-9. PMID: 8225878.

Further reading:

Myopia and high intraocular pressure may lead to glaucoma and blindness! Glaucoma surgery a warning sign for younger people? Stopping medication on your own is more dangerous

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