After 3 months of glaucoma treatment, there was no improvement and my blood sugar level was 450! Dangerous consequences of young people using their eyes too much are exposed

After 3 months of glaucoma treatment, there was no improvement and my blood sugar level was 450! Dangerous consequences of young people using their eyes too much are exposed

After three months of glaucoma treatment, my blood sugar level exceeded 450 when I tested it.

Young people have poor living habits. If coupled with chronic diseases and overuse of eyes, beware of high intraocular pressure and glaucoma coming early! Dr. Chen Yingshan, director of the Hsinchu Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, pointed out that he once treated a 40-year-old patient with high intraocular pressure in both eyes. He was diagnosed with glaucoma and was treated at the clinic for three months, but his symptoms did not improve. After going to the hospital for examination, it was discovered that diabetes caused “neovascular” glaucoma.

“The patient came to the clinic and said he had glaucoma. After the examination, he realized something was wrong and asked him to measure his blood sugar. It turned out to be as high as 450. Not only should he actively control his blood sugar, but he should also continue to receive glaucoma treatment from the ophthalmology department!” said Dr. Chen Yingshan. Common complaints of high blood pressure are soreness, numbness, swelling, and pain. The two most common causes are glaucoma and overuse of the ciliary muscles. Ordinary people cannot tell the difference on their own, so they should go to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible to have their intraocular pressure measured.

Glaucoma is divided into chronic and acute. Intraocular pressure measurement and fundus examination are required.

Dr. Chen Yingshan pointed out that glaucoma is divided into chronic and acute. Acute glaucoma can cause intraocular pressure to rise rapidly, causing eye redness, severe pain, and even nausea and vomiting. The intraocular pressure of chronic glaucoma may not be very high. Sometimes the intraocular pressure will decrease after resting, and the patient will feel that the eyes are swollen and tired, or mistakenly think that it is just work fatigue.

“Measuring only intraocular pressure will have blind spots, because intraocular pressure varies at different times. It usually gradually increases after getting up at noon. If the eyelids are too tight and compress the eyeball, the intraocular pressure will also become higher. And everyone has different opinions on intraocular pressure. Tolerances vary, and some people have “low-pressure glaucoma” and need to go to the hospital for examination before diagnosis!” Dr. Chen Yingshan explained that nowadays, in addition to intraocular pressure measurement, fundus examination is also required to assess whether there is visual field defect.

Beware of ciliary muscle overuse and macular degeneration if you binge watch dramas and use your eyes too much

Dr. Chen Yingshan pointed out that the eyes are the only nervous system in the human body that contains “muscles”. The ciliary muscles are like thigh and calf muscles. Excessive use can easily cause muscle fatigue. Modern young people use mobile phones and 3C products for a long time, and may use their eyes for up to 8-10 hours a day. They are more likely to experience symptoms such as eye soreness, numbness, swelling, and pain. It is recommended to go to the hospital for examination first to find out the cause of the pain.

In addition, using 3C products in a shaking environment will cause the ciliary muscles to continuously focus and increase the burden, leading to dizziness, nausea, and even accelerated eye wear and aging. Dr. Chen Yingshan said that the macula is responsible for “fixation” and “fixation of focus”, allowing the eyes to see objects clearly. This is a function that allows the eyes to see the target and move accordingly, which consumes a lot of eyesight.

“Everyone thinks that the act of reading is very simple. In fact, it is your eyes that help the brain to “fix” each word. If you keep looking at mobile phones or tablets in a shaking carriage, it may affect your fixation ability and may even cause macular spots in the long run. All the damage!”

You should take a break every 30 minutes while using your eyes and take in 2 more nutrients and antioxidants.

Dr. Chen Yingshan reminded that when looking at mobile phones and 3C products in transportation, slight vibrations of the vehicle body will increase the burden on the eyes and cause certain damage to the eyes. If you must use it, it is recommended to increase the screen font size and try not to use it for more than 30 minutes.

In addition to giving your eyes a proper rest, you can also eat more dark green and golden vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, corn, etc. to supplement lutein, or take in an appropriate amount of shrimp, crab, and salmon to increase astaxanthin, which can help reduce oxidative stress on the eyes. s damage.

Further reading:

[Expert Q&A] What are the types of floaters? Risk of blindness during “Thunderstorm”? It will happen again after the laser is fired

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