Take 3 doses and go on the road without quarantine! Quick screening positive drug "conditional" administration! He died on the day he was diagnosed with diabetes

Take 3 doses and go on the road without quarantine! Quick screening positive drug "conditional" administration! He died on the day he was diagnosed with diabetes

Home quarantine is relaxed again! People who live with you after taking 3 doses are exempted from quarantine

The home quarantine policy is relaxed again! Chen Shizhong, commander of the Central Epidemic Command Center, pointed out that starting from 0:00 on May 17, relatives and friends living with confirmed cases can be quarantined at home from “3+4” to “0+7” as long as they have received three doses of vaccine. That is to say, family members living together who have received three doses of the vaccine are “no need to live apart”. As long as they test negative within 7 days, they can basically maintain normal life such as going to work, shopping, seeing a doctor, and receiving medicines.

Chen Shizhong pointed out that there are differences between experts and local governments in the discussion of home quarantine. The expert meeting is more inclined to tighten the isolation and prevention, while the local government hopes to relax it. Based on the fact that the coverage rate of the third dose of vaccine has reached 63%, the command center decided to adopt a compromise method. From May 17, relatives and friends living with the confirmed cases only need to receive three doses of the vaccine and do not need to undergo three days of home quarantine.

Will there be identification and violation penalties for exemption from home quarantine? Chen Shizhong said that the Taiwanese people are very cooperative with epidemic prevention policies, and the government is not inclined to adopt mandatory enforcement methods. He believes that most citizens have a certain awareness of self-control and protection. If you fail to take the full 3 doses and violate the regulations, you will still be punished in accordance with the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act.

Is there any risk of infection if I still test positive after being quarantined for more than 7 days? The command center stated that it was previously discussed in an expert meeting that the infectivity of Omicron infection approaches 0 after 10 days of isolation. In fact, under normal conditions, it is impossible to confirm whether the infectivity is still there through PCR or rapid screening (whether the virus can be cultured) , so the “law of large numbers” is adopted. In fact, the infectivity is very low after 7 days of isolation. It has also exceeded the time for most people’s physical symptoms to change, and the risk to the outside world is relatively significantly reduced.

Just give the drug if you test positive quickly? Command Center: Release once medical and patient consensus is reached

In addition, recent public opinion has paid attention to epidemic prevention measures such as “rapid test positive is regarded as confirmed diagnosis” and “rapid test positive is treated as medication”. Chen Shizhong pointed out that “rapid screening is regarded as confirmed diagnosis” involves isolation control and personal freedom, and the accuracy rate of rapid screening varies from 70% to 97% due to the prevalence rate in various regions, so there is currently no consensus.

However, there is a consensus among all walks of life that “Quick Screening Yang is immediately administered”. Under the premise of paying attention to the interaction and contraindications of the instructions, as long as the Quick Screening Yang reaches a consensus with the doctor, the drug can be prescribed and given. The command center also pointed out that Pfizer’s oral medicine can help COVID-19 patients reduce hospitalization or mortality by 88% when administered within 5 days of illness onset. Therefore, starting from May 18, as long as the patient is over 65 years old and has a positive rapid test result, and a clinical physician determines that the patient is highly suspected of being infected with COVID-19, and a medical consensus is reached, the diagnosis can be reported and the oral antiviral drug Paxlovid prescribed.

The command center emphasized that prescribing oral viral drugs must be evaluated by a physician for indications, and the benefits and side effects of treatment must be explained in detail to the patient. A prescription can be issued with the consent of the patient or his/her agent. For those who have issued prescriptions, relatives and friends can go to community pharmacies or Paxlovid-distributed hospitals to collect medicines for treatment.

40-year-old diabetic man diagnosed with death on day of onset

Today (May 16), there were 61,754 new cases in the local area, and the total number of confirmed cases exceeded 800,000. There were 29 new deaths. Luo Yijun, deputy leader of the medical response team, said that among the new deaths today were female elders over 100 years old with diabetes and neurological diseases. There was another man in his 40s who had a history of diabetes and was not vaccinated. After being infected with the epidemic, he developed septic shock and diabetes combined with ketoacidosis. He was diagnosed and died on the day of the onset of the disease and tested positive for the new coronavirus.

In addition, the society is concerned about the epidemic situation of residents of long-term care institutions. Luo Yijun pointed out that most people hospitalized in long-term care institutions are elderly, have chronic diseases and other serious risk factors, and are at a higher risk of respiratory failure or septic shock after being infected with the epidemic. Currently, nearly 4,000 people in long-term care institutions have been infected, and 42 of them have died. Preliminary estimates put the mortality rate at about 1%.

Luo Yijun pointed out that among the two oral anti-venom drugs, Pfizer’s Paxlovid is not suitable for grinding into powder, and only Merck’s Molnupiravir is suitable for patients who need tube infusion. 35,280 copies of Molnupiravir will arrive in Taiwan on the evening of May 16, and will be distributed to long-term care as soon as possible. Used by institutions and related units of dialysis centers. If there are other indications, they will be provided through other channels after being evaluated by the physician.

Further reading:

Can oral antiviral drugs be used once confirmed? Should you worry about interactions? Doctors reveal the truth behind drug jams

Get vaccinated quickly! Study: Severe COVID-19 patients suffer from “cognitive impairment” equivalent to “20 years of aging” in the brain

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