A 10-minute crash course on abdominal muscles with 5 must-learn moves to help you no longer feel "full of grievances"!

A 10-minute crash course on abdominal muscles with 5 must-learn moves to help you no longer feel "full of grievances"!

Regarding exercise, modern people always have thousands of reasons to avoid exercise and fitness thousands of miles away. The most common ones they hear are “no time” and “I will be too tired after work, let alone exercise”; but if you only need 5 movements today , you can gradually sculpt your abdominal lines in about 10 minutes, so why not?

The following movements do not require any equipment. You can do them at home as long as you have a yoga mat or towel! Without further ado, let’s start training now.

Stomach Crunch

The goal of this set of exercises is to train the abdominal muscles.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Hands should be placed on thighs, chest, or behind ears.

  2. Slowly curl your knees toward your upper body until your shoulders are about 7 to 8 centimeters above the ground. Maintain this position for a few seconds, and then slowly lower it. This set of movements should be performed 12 times.


  • Don’t move your neck toward your chest as your upper body comes forward.

  • Try not to touch your head.

Oblique Crunch

The goal of this set of exercises is to train the oblique muscles.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Rotate your knees to the left or right and place your hands on your chest or behind your ears.

  2. Slowly curl your knees up to your upper body until your shoulders are about 7 to 8 centimeters off the ground. Hold the position for a few seconds and then slowly lower. Perform 12 incline sit-ups and repeat once on the opposite side.


  • Don’t move your neck toward your chest as your upper body comes forward.

  • Try not to touch your head.

Plank training (Plank)

The goal of this set of exercises is to train the lower back and core muscles.

  1. Support your body with your forearms and toes, keep your legs straight, your hips elevated, and your body lines should remain stiff.

  2. At this time, the shoulders should be above the elbows. During the support process, concentrate on keeping the abdomen contracted and maintain this position for 5 to 10 seconds, and then repeat 8 to 10 times.


  • During the support process, do not let your waist sink.

  • Keep your eyes on the floor without looking up.

  • To make the movement easier to perform, your knees should be on the floor.

Side plank training

The goal of this set of exercises is to train the lower back and core muscles.

  1. Use the elbows of your left and right hands to prop up your body. Your shoulders should be above your elbows. Straighten your legs, raise your hips, and keep your body straight.

  2. Straighten your neck, keep your shoulders down and away from your ears. Keep your abs contracted during support and hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds, then repeat 8 to 10 times and once on the opposite side.


  • When supporting, keep your buttocks up and don’t let your buttocks sink.

  • Don’t let your lower back sink.

Stomach crunch with legs raised

The goal of this set of exercises is to train the lower abdominal muscles.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your hands on your chest.

  2. Slowly bring your knees toward your chest and bend your body 90 degrees until your hips and tailbone are off the floor. Maintain the posture for a while, and then slowly lower it. This action needs to be performed 12 times.


  • Do not support your head with your hands.

  • The head should not lift off the ground.

Source: 10-minute abs workout by NHS Website

Image source: Shutterstock

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