1 in 4 people in Taiwan suffers from dry eye! Is it useless to just eat "lutein"? 3 key nutrients must be taken into account

1 in 4 people in Taiwan suffers from dry eye! Is it useless to just eat "lutein"? 3 key nutrients must be taken into account

Dry eye syndrome has become a global civilized disease. 1 in 4 people in Taiwan has dry eye problem.

Due to the long-term use of 3C products and smartphones, dry eye syndrome has become the most common civilized disease in the world and the most popular problem in ophthalmology clinics. In Taiwan, on average, 1 in 4 people suffers from dry eye. As modern people’s wrong eye habits increase, their eyes stare at 3C for longer, resulting in less blinking frequency and lower tear secretion. As a result, there are more and more people with dry eyes.

To understand why dry eye syndrome occurs, you must first understand the structure of the eye’s tear layer. The “tear layer” of the eye is divided into a grease layer, aqueous layer, and a mucin layer. Insufficient secretion, uneven distribution, or excessive evaporation of tears in any of these layers will cause the eyeball to be unable to maintain proper moisture, leading to dry eye syndrome. .

Could dry eye syndrome affect vision? Pay attention to the 7 major symptoms of dry, itchy eyes and excessive eye mucus

Although dry eye syndrome is common, its effects go beyond dry eyes and fatigue. Since there is no tear moisture between the surface of the eyeball and the eyelids, it may cause chronic friction of the eyelids, which may cause dryness, itching, pain, and foreign body sensation in mild cases. In severe cases, it may cause corneal rupture, ulcers, and even increase the risk of bacterial infection and blindness.

If it is not prevented early, tears will remain in an unhealthy state for a long time. In addition to causing fatigue and dryness, dry eye syndrome may also reduce the protective ability of the cornea and increase the risk of cataracts and myopia. When it progresses to severe myopia, it may cause glaucoma, macular degeneration, retinal detachment and other problems, which will have a huge impact on vision.

People with dry eyes may suffer from various eye symptoms due to imbalanced tear gland secretion and no tear protection on the surface of the eyeball. The following are the seven most common symptoms of dry eyes:

  1. Stinging and itching in eyes

  2. Feeling of foreign body in eyes

  3. Red eyes and photophobia

  4. Thick eye secretions and increased eye feces

  5. Extreme discomfort when wearing contact lenses

  6. Eye fatigue and temporary blurred vision

  7. Cry often

Environmental, lifestyle, and physical factors may all cause dry eye problems. To improve dry eyes, it is recommended to start with a normal lifestyle, including getting enough sleep, not staying up late, eating a balanced diet, and eating more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and less Eat fried food. Also avoid using your eyes for long periods of time or overstraining your eyes. Pay attention to the number and frequency of blinking to help moisturize your eyes.

In addition, you should pay attention to the cleaning of eyelids and eyelashes when cleaning. You can use hot towels to apply heat to the eyes, which can help reduce fatigue and increase tear secretion. Do not wear contact lenses for too long and remove them immediately if they become uncomfortable. When you have eye discomfort, you should go to an ophthalmologist for examination. Do not buy medicines for long-term use.

To improve dry eyes, it is better to combine lutein with anthocyanin and astaxanthin.

In recent years, with the rise of health trends, many people choose lutein products to help their eyes. Lutein is known as the “Guardian of Vision”. It has good antioxidant properties and can slow down the damage of free radicals to the eyes. However, specialist Chen Yunzhen also reminds the public that lutein is very important for eye health. However, if you want to treat the symptoms of dry eyes, taking lutein alone will not solve the problem. To improve dryness and fatigue, you need to use a combination that can keep the eyes moist. , nutrients secreted by tears, such as Chilean wine berries and bilberries are rich in anthocyanins, which can increase the tear secretion function of the eyes and optimize the clarity of night vision.

In addition to anthocyanins, it is recommended to choose compound lutein that also contains astaxanthin and vitamin E. There are also lutein products on the market that are a combination of these nutrients. According to human test results, several of the above protective The combination of key eye ingredients can effectively improve tear secretion and dry eye problems, increase tear secretion by 190%, and relieve eye fatigue. It can be used as a maintenance option for dry eye patients.

Antioxidant anthocyanins increase eye moistness. Chilean wine berries and bilberry are high in content.

Maintaining moist eyes and increasing tear secretion is the key to improving dry eyes. Studies have found that continuous supplementation of 30-60 mg of Chilean wine fruit extract from Germany can increase tear secretion by 50% and improve eye moistness in 30 days. The reason is that Chilean wine berries contain delphinidin and cyanidin, both of which are anthocyanins, showing that high levels of anthocyanins play an important role in improving dry eyes.

Another eye-protecting element, “Bilberry” is also famous for being rich in anthocyanins, among which “cyanidin” has the highest antioxidant capacity among all anthocyanins. However, the quality of bilberry extracts varies. Currently, the Japanese patented bilberry extract with quantitative anthocyanins on the market has the best antioxidant effect and increased eye comfort.

Omega-3 repairs the oil layer of the tear film and combines 84% ​​high-concentration fish oil to protect the eyes

Proper diet and nutritional supplements are indispensable for the improvement of dry eyes. For example, Omega-3 essential fatty acids have strong anti-inflammatory effects, can increase the oil layer of the tear film and promote tear secretion. Commonly used fatty acids include high-concentration fish oil, linseed oil, and algae oil. All are good sources of Omega-3.

If linseed oil is added to lutein, it can enhance the absorption rate of lutein. Dr. Chen Yunzhen added that if you want to supplement the ingredients that help your eyes, you can also choose fish oil with an Omega-3 concentration higher than 84%, and supplement it with your daily diet to work with lutein to maintain eye health.

In addition to daily nutritional supplement intake, people with dry eyes should pay more attention to maintaining a healthy life, reducing irritating foods, and more importantly, quit smoking as early as possible. 3C workers and office workers who use computers for a long time are recommended to take regular breaks and increase the number of blinks. It is recommended to wear contact lenses with high oxygen permeability lenses. Avoid staying in dry, hot, windy environments for too long. You can use clean water indoors to increase the ambient humidity and reduce environmental factors that cause dry eyes.

Further reading:

Fish oil has many benefits, but don’t eat it randomly! Doctors reveal 6 major benefits and 3 taboos: The concentration is enough to protect the heart, eyes and eyes, and fight against three highs

5 symptoms may be a warning sign of “excessive eye use”! What is the most effective way to instill eye drops? Taiwan Food and Drug Administration: “6 steps” to do

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